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Sunday, October 3, 2010

Swimming with the Fishes

Well, it's official. I have been thrust back into the pool of oblivion with the other fishes. In other words, I'm swimming with the fishes.
Remember a few entries back when I told you about the published author that agreed to read my work and give me a letter of recommendation? 
She has withdrawn her offer of assistance, claiming a tight schedule. I know she's a busy lady, but I don't think she has any idea how much I was depending on her. A recommendation from a respected author gives any struggling writer a leg up on the competition. Now, I'm no different from the rest. 
And to make matters worse, I was waiting for her impending letter before I sent off any queries to the agents I met at the conference. I've wasted valuable time waiting for her. 
Damn it. It's been two months. I hope they remember me.

1 comment:

  1. Jennifer,
    Such is the business! I quit waiting a long time ago on such promises. I have several good writer friends who are multi-published. I never hesitate to ask them to read and give feedback or if I can mention them when approaching an editor/agent we both know if it will help. That said, don't put too much stock in that recommendation. You can do it on your own. If you've written the best work you can possibly write, send it out. And, open each query letter with a gentle reminder of who you are, how you met, and mention anything specific in your interactions that may help them remember you more clearly. You would want to do that whether it was a week later or a year later.
    Best of luck!
