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Monday, April 23, 2012

Here Comes "Wallflower"

We've come a long way, baby. Do you know what today is??

It's release day for Wallflower!

Today is the culmination of years of hard work. My book has been released on Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

I still can't believe I can say, "my book". It's my very own creation, from my own twisted brain.

I've found my calling and I'm living my very own dream.

When they say it takes a lot of hard work, they weren't kiddin'! Bringing my book to the world was the hardest thing I've ever done. But also the most rewarding.

If you truly love writing, you won't mind toiling in the mud repeatedly for long durations. I don't. As long as I'm breathing, I intend to do it again and again, because I love it.

I invite everyone visit my page on Bradley Publishing and pick up a copy of Wallflower today. Make sure you leave me a lovely review on Amazon or B & N. I really hope you like my little story. I think it's awesome, but I know I'm biased. :-)

Friday, April 20, 2012

The Culmination of Wallflower

My, my. It has been over three years since I started this blog about my novel, Wallflower. Three years of writing, creating, editing, toiling, agonizing, querying, requerying, complaining, rejoicing and ultimately finding a publisher for my little book.

What a ride!

Wallflower will finally be released on Amazon and Barnes & Noble in three days (April 23rd.) I will be a published author. The euphoria has yet to wear off, and I hope it never does.

But don't get me wrong, folks. This blog is far from finished. 

Upon publication, a new battle begins. Now I go from writing mode to marketing mode, which I know little about. I've certainly done my share of research on the subject. I've gotten myself a decent platform started (present blog included.) But I have a lot to learn, and I'm eager to share my findings with you.

So hang on tight. As Bette Davis would say: "It's going to be a bumpy night." I'm glad I have all of you to lean on. And while you're at it, travel on over to Amazon or to Bradley Publishing's website and pick up a copy of Wallflower. See what all this fuss has been about. 

And thank you to all my loyal readers and followers. You've helped the seed of my writing grow into a vibrant and colorful Wallflower.


Monday, April 16, 2012

The Literary X-Factor

Whenever I'm not writing, I'm pondering about writing.
Don't look at me like that. Ask any writer, they'll tell you the same thing. Being a writer is a never-ending cycle of education and improvement. No matter how many degrees a writer has, they can never claim to be an "expert" writer. Aside from the sciences, writers are discovering new things every day.

Now, in my "ponderings", I've kicked around the theory that there does exist a literary X-factor. Playing off of Simon Cowell's belief that there is a certain, largely undefinable recipe for talent, I have come to the conclusion that such a factor isn't limited to wannabe pop stars. There's a writer's X-factor as well.

As any good writer should, I have read countless books in my day, spanning the spectrum of genres. Very few of those stories still stick with me today.

Let me ask you something: Have you ever read a book that you seemed to burn through from beginning to end like warm butter? On the flip side, have you ever read a book that was a struggle to finish? Where each turned page felt like more of a physical equivalent of running a marathon?
In both of those instances, you were witnessing the X-factor. Book "A" had it, book "B" didn't.
So how can you harness the coveted literary X-factor for your own books?

Let's look at what the bestselling books have in common:
1) Compelling plot
2) Compelling characters
3) Readablility

The first two are self-explanatory.  How do you know your book is "readable"?

I can answer that with a question.

Do you write like you talk? Or do you write to impress people with your knowledge or intelligence?
I don't necessarily mean using big, scary words. I mean the pompous, nose-in-the-air habit of spelling things out for your readers who are surely more ignorant than yourself.


In my personal belief, if you speak to your readers as you would speak to any of your plethora of friends at your average cocktail party, you'll reap the rewards of increased readership.

But that's only a small step into the X-factor phenomenon. Perhaps you could help me with the rest. What sets James Patterson apart from James Smartypants? Aside from having a wicked awesome agent, what made the world sit up and take notice of J.K. Rowling, while ignoring the works of Ima Trying (of course, my examples are made up authors. My apologies to any Smartypants or Tryings I have offended.)

So writers and readers, you've read plenty of books. What are your thoughts? Aside from being a genre you love, what makes a book a page-turner?

Monday, April 9, 2012

Sure, I May Look Calm and Collected, but...

Don't look at me like that. 

I know I've been neglecting my blog. 

My fingers have been busy on the keyboard elsewhere. Lots to do with a book coming out in just a couple of weeks...

It's still so amazing to hear that: "I have a book coming out in two weeks." :-D

With the second round of edits finished, I promptly moved on to concocting a book trailer video to post on youtube and my website. With the help of Windows Movie Maker I put together my masterpiece. I call it that, because it took twelve days and a good chunk of my sanity to make it. The finished product is exactly what I pictured when I began, and I've never been more proud.

No, I can't post it yet. The book's not out yet. I can't have people going to Amazon to buy a copy of a book that's not there. But I will post it soon.

With the book trailer done, I now have to focus on a marketing strategy. *Sigh* That's the tough part for me. I don't know where to begin. I'm already a befuddled mess. But because I'm an organized person, I think I'll start by laying out a schedule of sights to visit each week. I'll leave my fingerprint behind and move on to the next target. 

I sure would appreciate some input from my friends and followers in this department. Have you marketed a book in the past? Found a site that did wonders for you? Please leave a comment and share it with me. I could use all the help I can get. :-\