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Friday, April 20, 2012

The Culmination of Wallflower

My, my. It has been over three years since I started this blog about my novel, Wallflower. Three years of writing, creating, editing, toiling, agonizing, querying, requerying, complaining, rejoicing and ultimately finding a publisher for my little book.

What a ride!

Wallflower will finally be released on Amazon and Barnes & Noble in three days (April 23rd.) I will be a published author. The euphoria has yet to wear off, and I hope it never does.

But don't get me wrong, folks. This blog is far from finished. 

Upon publication, a new battle begins. Now I go from writing mode to marketing mode, which I know little about. I've certainly done my share of research on the subject. I've gotten myself a decent platform started (present blog included.) But I have a lot to learn, and I'm eager to share my findings with you.

So hang on tight. As Bette Davis would say: "It's going to be a bumpy night." I'm glad I have all of you to lean on. And while you're at it, travel on over to Amazon or to Bradley Publishing's website and pick up a copy of Wallflower. See what all this fuss has been about. 

And thank you to all my loyal readers and followers. You've helped the seed of my writing grow into a vibrant and colorful Wallflower.


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